Honda Accord 06 Saloon 2.4 i-VTEC Type-S (2007, 2.4L)

0 g/km
0 cc

About Honda Accord 06 Saloon 2.4 i-VTEC Type-S (2007, 2.4L)

The Honda Accord 06 Saloon - 2.4 i-VTEC Type-S is a vehicle manufactured by HONDA in the year 2007. It comes with a 6MT transmission and has an engine size of 2,354 cc or 2.4 L. This vehicle runs on petrol fuel and offers an MPG (Miles Per Gallon) of 22.2 in urban areas, 40.9 on extra-urban roads, and a combined MPG of 31.4. The Honda Accord 06 Saloon - 2.4 i-VTEC Type-S has a CO2 emissions level of 214 g/km, CO emissions of 560 mg/km, THC emissions of 33 mg/km, and NOx emissions of 9 mg/km. The noise level while in operation is measured at 72.3 dB(A), and it complies with Euro standard 4 for emission regulations.

Emissions Summary

The Honda Accord 06 Saloon - 2.4 i-VTEC Type-S emits 214 g/km of CO2, which contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. The CO emissions are measured at 560 mg/km, THC emissions at 33 mg/km, and NOx emissions at 9 mg/km. These figures provide an overview of the emissions profile of this vehicle.

Emissions Data

Name Value
CO2 Emissions 214
CO Emissions 560
THC Emissions 33
NOx Emissions 9

Miles Per Gallon

Name Value
MPG (Combined) 31.4
MPG (Urban) 22.2
MPG (Extra-Urban) 40.9

Vehicle Details

Name Value
Model Accord 06 Saloon
Year 2007
Description 2.4 i-VTEC Type-S
Transmission Type 6MT
Engine Size (litres) 2.4
Engine Size (cc) 2354
Fuel Petrol
Noise Level 72.3
Euro Standard 4