Mercedes-benz CLS-Class (C219) CLS 350 CGI 245 Tyres at rear (2008, 3.5L)

0 g/km
0 cc

About Mercedes-benz CLS-Class (C219) CLS 350 CGI 245 Tyres at rear (2008, 3.5L)

The CLS-Class (C219) - CLS 350 CGI 245 Tyres at rear is a vehicle manufactured by MERCEDES-BENZ in 2008. It features an engine size of 3498 cc (3.5 L) and a transmission type of A7. The fuel type used is petrol. The vehicle has a MPG (Miles Per Gallon) rating of 21.7 in urban areas, 40.4 in extra-urban areas, and 31.0 on a combined cycle. It emits 217 g/km of CO2, 78 mg/km of CO, 68 mg/km of THC, and 37 mg/km of NOx. The noise level produced by this vehicle is measured at 72.0 dB(A) and it complies with Euro standard 4.

Emissions Summary

The emissions profile of this vehicle includes a CO2 emission rate of 217 g/km, which is released by burning petrol fuel during the combustion process. It also emits 78 mg/km of carbon monoxide (CO), 68 mg/km of total hydrocarbon (THC), and 37 mg/km of nitrogen oxides (NOx).

Emissions Data

Name Value
CO2 Emissions 217
CO Emissions 78
THC Emissions 68
NOx Emissions 37

Miles Per Gallon

Name Value
MPG (Combined) 31.0
MPG (Urban) 21.7
MPG (Extra-Urban) 40.4

Vehicle Details

Name Value
Model CLS-Class (C219)
Year 2008
Description CLS 350 CGI 245 Tyres at rear
Transmission Type A7
Engine Size (litres) 3.5
Engine Size (cc) 3498
Fuel Petrol
Noise Level 72.0
Euro Standard 4